Contact us
Pimlico Mundingburra Scout Group Contacts
Queensland Branch Scouting Website Policy states that “To protect the privacy of Leaders and adult members, personal contact details must not be made available on Scouting web sites”.
There is a phone at our den but someone must be in the office to hear it. Any emergency calls for members at the den can be made through the Group Leader or Assistant Group Leader.
Any phone numbers listed here have been done so with permission from that person.
Phone |
Group Leader | Anita | 0425 798 660 |
Assistant Group Leader | Steph | 0407 350 228 |
JoeyScout Leaders | ||
CubScout Leaders | ||
Scout Leaders | Chris | 0499 008 803 |
Venturer Leader | ||
Rovers | ||
Committee | ||
Scout Den | There in no phone at the den. |
The above e-mail addresses are not personal e-mails. The messages sent to these address will be forwarded to the respective leader by the moderator.
Snail Mail
If you have to send us a hard copy of something, our mailing address is:
Pimlico Mundingburra Scout Group
P.O. Box 5899
Townsville Qld 4810
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